An Enoughness or Scarcity Mentality – Which One Resonates with You?

JT - Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that

Back on August 22, 2014, I wrote about an abundance or lack mentality. In the post I discussed a belief that I had around money and how it impacted my behaviour and wellbeing. Today, I am a different person from when I wrote that post. As I have been reflecting on money recently (again), today I would say, it is more about an enoughness mentality than an abundance and scarcity instead of lack.

What’s the Difference Between an Enoughness Mentality and a Scarcity Mentality?

From my own experiences and working with clients, I’ve discovered a few differences. The following table outlines some of the main differences between an enoughness mentality and a scarcity mentality.

How Do I Currently Practise an Enoughness Mentality Around Money?

At the moment, the two main ways I am practicing an enoughness mentality around money is by using the above table and having an enoughness jar. Currently I am using this table as a reminder to STOP and check in with myself to see where I am in certain situations – as sometimes I still can be triggered and need to be reminded that there is enough for everyone as well and changing from a scarcity mentality to an enoughness mentality doesn’t happen overnight (not for me anyway).

Another habit I practice the majority of days to cultivate enoughness is expressing gratitude to people and experiences and just being in that state of gratefulness. Yes I admit this has been challenging in the past (especially to come to a place of whole-heartedness for difficult experiences), however it can happen and I hope everyone can discover flow, peace, freedom and harmony in their lives.

Questions for Reflection –

  • Which side of the table resonates with you? Does it depend on the situation?
  • Is there anything you would add to either side? If so, please share below.
  • Who and what can you be grateful for now? Have you expressed your gratitude to that person? If not, I invite you to share your gratitude and send a note or card to that person.
  • Need some more ideas on gratitude? You may like to check out My Gratitude Journal.

If you are ready to reclaim your courage and take the next step towards freedom and opening your heartwhy not join our Toolkit?

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