What is Wellbeing in Sport?
Before we have a look at wellbeing in sport, let’s have a look at what is wellbeing? Defining wellbeing is complex and an area that continues to evolve. Following are some surface definitions of wellbeing from a variety of sources:
- “the condition of being contented, healthy or successful” ~ Collins Dictionaries
- “a state of being comfortable, happy and healthy” ~ Oxford Dictionaries
And Further Definitions of Wellbeing from Research –
Then, the following definitions go a little deeper in to what is wellbeing, including –
- Subjective Well-Being (SWB) was defined by Deiner (2009) as the general evaluation of one’s quality of life. The concept has been conceptualized as the three components: (1) a cognitive appraisal that one’s life was good (life satisfaction); (2) experiencing positive levels of pleasant emotions; (3) experiencing relatively low levels of negative moods (Deiner, 2009).
- “Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community” ~ World Health Organisation
- “Well-being is more than just happiness. As well as feeling satisfied and happy, well-being means developing as a person, being fulfilled, and making a contribution to the community” ~ Shah and Marks (2004).
- Headey and Wearing’s (1992) indicate that wellbeing is shown “as depending on prior equilibrium levels of wellbeing and of life events, and also on recent events.“
- Dodge et al (2012) – “as the balance point between an individual’s resource pool and the challenges faced”.
What is Wellbeing in Sport?
Basically every aspect of your life influences your wellbeing (which in turn can influence your sport). Researchers investigating happiness and wellbeing, have found the following factors can enhance an individuals wellbeing –
- an enjoyable and fulfilling career,
- a sense of belonging,
- adequate money,
- regular exercise,
- a balanced diet (food and water),
- sufficient sleep,
- an intimate relationship with a partner,
- a network of close friends,
- the ability to adapt to change,
- a safe physical environment (home and environment),
- a sense of purpose and meaning, and remember
- all of the above factors are interrelated.
Over to You…
What Does Wellbeing Mean to You? How does it relate to your sport? Does it include your –
- relationships (social),
- emotions (emotional),
- body (physical),
- thoughts (mental),
- finances (financial),
- living environment (environmental),
- spirit (spiritual)?
I would be interested to hear what wellbeing means to you, so feel free to comment below!
If you would like more information on wellbeing, please sign up to our newsletter here.
Reference –
Diener, E. (2009). Subjective well-being. The Science of Well-Being, 11-58.
Dodge, R., Daly, A., Huyton, J., & Sanders, L. (2012). The challenge of defining wellbeing. International Journal of Wellbeing, 2(3), 222-235.
Headey, B. W., & Wearing, A. J. (1992). Understanding happiness: A theory of subjective well-being. Melbourne, Australia: Longman Cheshire.
Shah, H., & Marks, N. (2004). A well-being manifesto for a flourishing society. London: The New Economics Foundation.
Website Page Reference –
Thanks in advance for honouring my work 🙂 The reference is as follows…
Taylor, J. (2020) What is Wellbeing in Sport? [WWW] Available from: https://janetaylor.net/what-is-wellbeing-in-sport/ [Accessed …….. ]