Ready to untangle your potential and embody your life wholeheartedly?

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ~ Howard Thurman


Hello & Welcome, I'm Jane.

I’m an Embodiment Coach and Mentor, who supports athletes and creative humans to embody their lives and BE themselves whole-heartedly. I support you to untangle from too much stress, imposter syndrome, people-pleasing, and perfectionism, so you can rediscover your inner wisdom and transition in to a place of knowing, valuing and trusting yourself, whilst living your version of success.

Our career and life can throw us many challenges. At times we can feel overwhelmed, lost or lacking direction and purpose. We could be wanting to start a new career, get our finances organised, recover from an injury, create your dreams, prioritise self-care and time to nourish our body, mend a broken heart or just wanting to try something new and be inspired by life again.

At times like these, it can help to have someone to talk to. Not someone to just motivate you, tell you to love yourself more and remind you to pay attention to what matters most to you. You want someone who believes in you. Someone who will support you, whilst you gain a fresh perspective and get back in to the flow of life, so you can create a career/business and life YOU love.

And that is where I come in…

Supporting you as you invest time for yourself, realise you matter, believe in you (when you don’t), get focused and help you in taking the steps to identify what matters to you and discover your courage, so you can free yourself from mental (i.e unhealthy habits, limiting beliefs, automatic negative thoughts and triggers), emotional (i.e. developing and enhancing emotional regulation) and physical clutter and create a life, career and relationship YOU love.

You + me. Partnering in your courageousness and creating, leading and living a career and life you love.

Jane Taylor-3

Here's How We Can Work Together...

Coaching and Mentoring

Ready to start reconnecting with what matters to you?

We provide a One-on-One Coaching and Mentoring service to help support individuals get back on track, discover their courage and live their career and life whole-heartedly.

We offer ICF Mentor Coaching as well as personal and professional coaching.


Workshop Facilitation and (Un)Learning Experiences

We deliver a number of personal and professional development workshops for teams and leaders using the latest health, mindfulness and wellbeing tools and research.

Our intention is to support leaders to be happy and well, so they can bring their best self to the workplace.

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Sport Life Flow

Looking for someone who can support you in your adventure between sport and life?

Sport Life Flow has been created to support athletes bridge the gap between sport and life.

As an athlete, you are far more than your sports performance and I know as I have been through this adventure and even if it not easy, it is worthwhile.

Learn more...

As Seen In . . .
