Continuing the Untangling Process – Is it Really About Money?
Welcome to my second post about money (the first one is here). Today, I am going to share more about my untangling process and today I am going to share some thoughts and beliefs about money.
Some Thoughts and Beliefs About Money
As part of my untangling process around money, I have become aware of a number of repetitive thoughts and beliefs I have had over the years. Some of the thoughts and beliefs around money for me included –
- “I can’t afford that”
- “I’m just not good with money”
- “Money doesn’t grow on trees”
- “You’ll never amount to anything” (yes I believed this and it is a process to continue to overcome)
- “It’s too risky to go into business, I couldn’t possibly do that”
- “It’s not spiritual to have a lot of money” (OMGosh – yes I did have that thought!),
- “I’ll just wait and do that later” (i.e. take full responsibility and be accountable for my money situation), and
- “There are people who are worse off than me – they need the money more” (yes I really had that one as well!)
Some other thoughts/beliefs I have heard people mention around money include –
- “More is better”
- “Money can’t buy me love”
- “Money is the root of all evil”
- “Money is a limited resource”
- “I thought is was bad to be selfish”
- “You can’t be rich, happy and healthy” (i.e. have it all)
- “Money is not that important – it’s just money”
- “The rich continue to get richer and the poor get poorer”
- “Money is a limited resource”
- “Prince Charming will rescue me and then I won’t have to worry about money”
Continuing the Untangling Process…
Once I started to inquire and reflect, over time I discovered the thoughts and beliefs were just that – thoughts and beliefs (and not facts or reality), they started to loosen their grip on me. Some had quite strong emotions and feelings attached to them (so take care of yourself and have self-compassion if this happens to you).
This has taken a lot of practice and untangling (as money has not been my only challenge) and I can see why chocolate, working hard/keeping busy and shopping helped me through many challenging times when things became too much (although I didn’t realise this at the time it was happening).
In her book Lost and Found: One Woman’s Story of Losing Her Money and Finding Her Life, Geneen Roth says –
“The only people who don’t have insane relationships with money are those who were willing to examine their insane relationships with money.”
Over to You –
- What are your common thoughts or beliefs around money?
- Is your money situation really about money or is it more about the thoughts/beliefs around money? (P.S. be honest with yourself!)
After reading the above post, what is your next step? Thanks for taking the time to read this post and if you have any questions, please let me know or write them below.
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