Investing Time to Reflect and Honour the Masks
A few months ago, I went back to the Australian Open for the first time in many years. I wrote about it briefly here. Whilst I was at the tennis, I attended an event. It was an interesting experience as I was interviewed (which I did not know was going to happen). Interestingly enough, emotions comes to the surface when I was asked about how my transition after tennis was. I was OK with showing vulnerability, as it was my authenticity.
The situation sparked more reflection in me and took me was to the place of masks. The masks I have taken the time recognise, understand, let go of, honour and those I am accepting and releasing to BE who I am today.
What Are Masks?
I refer to masks as the different ways we protect ourselves to prevent our true selves from being seen. We wear them to hide our identity, who we truly are or to become someone else for a little while. We wear masks at festivities and holidays such as Halloween and Masquerade Balls. As women, wearing make-up can be a mask.
Why Do We Wear Masks?
As human beings, we are either closed or open to the experiences of life. When we are closed we try to protect ourselves and our true self by wearing masks, playing games or roles and deny what is truly going on. When we are open, we are willing to learn, open ourselves up and truly experience what is happening in life by being honest and possibly vulnerable.
There are many reasons why we wear masks, from the impostor phenomenon, to wanting to be approved of, not feeling like we are enough, wanting to be perfect, not feeling safe, self-doubt, not trusting ourselves and thinking other people won’t like who we are.
What Types of Masks Do We Wear?
Before I start, I just want to say we always have a choice in how we respond to life, even though we may not have a choice in to the circumstances life hands us. Sometimes we are aware of these choices and sometimes we are not.
Some of the types of masks we might wear include –
- Saying you don’t care about something when you really do,
- Pretending like you have everything together when you are really worried inside,
- Pretending to be nice when you are really angry inside, and
- Acting angry when you really feel sad.
If I go back to my younger life, this is an example of what my masks might have looked like –
Taking Time to Understand and Honour the Masks
A few years ago, I started to realise how many masks I had been wearing worn and the costs of them (and some benefits). Over time, I have started to take them off (safely and with the support of people with whom I trusted). Yes, it has been a very challenging process. However, I am grateful I invested in myself enough to find compassionate professionals to support me to start to understand and honour the masks, so I can live more authentically and whole-heartedly.
I will continue to do the work with my trusted inner circle (including my coach) as there has been many diamonds (learnings and rememberings) in them. I am eternally grateful for all of the people who have shown me that it is safe for me to trust myself and be whole-heartedly me.
Over to You…
Are there any masks you wear? If so, do you know what they are. Remember, once we know, we can then start getting the support we need to take the masks off with our whole-heart if we choose to! And remember, you are worth it!
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