Resourcefulness – Why It Matters and What Is It?

JT - Do what you can,  with what you have where you are

Today, I wanted to share with you about resourcefulness – why it matters and what is it? As I discuss this, I am also going to write a little bit about flow and how I see it linking to resourcefulness. Subsequently, I am going to discuss –

  • What is Resourcefulness?
  • What is Wellbeing?
  • Why Resourcefulness Matters.

Let’s get started….

What is Resourcefulness?

Resourcefulness is –

When I think of resourcefulness, I think of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and his research in to flow and the relationship between challenges and skills.

What is Wellbeing?

Following are some definitions of wellbeing from a variety of sources:

  • “the condition of being contented, healthy or successful” ~ Collins Dictionaries
  • “a state of being comfortable, happy and healthy” ~ Oxford Dictionaries
  • “Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community” ~ World Health Organisation
  • Subjective Well-Being (SWB) was defined by Deiner in (2009 as –

“the general evaluation of one’s quality of life. The concept has been conceptualized as the three components: (1) a cognitive appraisal that one’s life was good (life satisfaction); (2) experiencing positive levels of pleasant emotions; (3) experiencing relatively low levels of negative moods.”

Why Resourcefulness Matters…

By reading the above, I am hoping you can see why resourcefulness matters. However, research also matters here and according to Dodge et al (2012), stable wellbeing –

“…is when individuals have the psychological, social and physical resources they need to meet a particular psychological, social and/or physical challenge. When individuals have more challenges than resources, the see-saw dips, along with their wellbeing, and vice-versa” (p.230). 

And visually –

Over to You….

I hope this post has give you some insight in to resourcefulness – why it matters and what it is. Any questions, please write them below.

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References –

Diener, E. (2009). Subjective well-being. The Science of Well-Being, 11-58.

Dodge, R., Daly, A., Huyton, J., & Sanders, L. (2012). The challenge of defining wellbeing. International Journal of Wellbeing2(3), 222-235. doi:10.5502/ijw.v2i3.4 

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