The ‘Create Your Year Planner’ is Published
This week has been a big week as the Create Your Year Planner was published.
Evolution of the Create Your Year Planner…
The Create Your Year Planner has been an evolution over the past 8 years as you can see by the image below. I know I haven’t been that create with the front cover, however it was the inside that counted.
Up until now they have been e-Planners however this year is a hard copy version and the branding has changed to align with the journals I have written.
The Published Version of the Create Your Year Planner
Following is me opening the Create Your Year planner on October 6, 2023.
Want to Find Out More?
If you are interested in being involved in the End-of-Year Ritual (which is where the Create Your Year Planner is available), please click here to find out more.
Posted in Personal Growth