What is My Disorganisation Costing Me?
One of the areas people often ask me for help is organisation. This is a skill / trait I have had the majority of my life – it comes naturally to me and I am challenged when I don’t feel organised. There was a time thought in my life, when I did struggle with being organised, as I lacked confidence in what I knew and how I did things. What I realised during that time, was my disorganisation was costing me financially, emotionally, professionally, energetically and time wise.
Why Be Organised?
Currently there are a number of reasons why it is important for women to get organised and start taking control of what they can control. Some of the research that is linked to being disorganised includes –
- Financial issues remain the leading cause of stress amongst Australians with more than half of Australians identifying finances as a cause of stress. Lack of clarity and being disorganised around you finances can increase this stress.
- Being worried about my future career and achievements were the top two worries of Australian males and females.
- Family and financial issues were the leading cause of stress for women.
- One in three marriages end in divorce.
These factors as well others can have an impact on the health and wellbeing of women, so it comes as little surprise that women are finding it increasingly difficult to find time to nurture their own wellbeing, so they can take time out, get organised and prioritise themselves.
What Do I Refer to as Being Organised?
When it comes to being organised, there are two aspects that I refer to – personal effectiveness and self-management.
Personal effectiveness means making use of all the resources (both personal and professional) you have at your disposal (i.e. your talents, strengths, skills, energy and time) to enable you to master your life and achieve both work and life goals.
How you manage yourself (i.e self-management) impacts on your personal effectiveness. According to CASEL, self management is “…the ability to regulate one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviours effectively in different situations.” This includes –
- managing stress,
- controlling impulses,
- motivating oneself and being responsible, and
- being personally accountable and setting and working toward achieving personal and professional goals.
Is there anything else you would add?
What Is My Disorganisation Costing Me?
The following statements, can help you to develop some insight in to where you currently are in relation to your disorganisation. As the saying goes, the truth will set you free and on to your path of personal organisation. If we don’t commit to telling the truth you can live in denial. A great acronym for Denial is –
“DENIAL – Don’t, Even, Notice, I, Am, Lying” ~ Unknown.
Telling the truth also brings with it tremendous power and clarity. With clarity and power (and your courage and self-compassion), change starts to happen and you are empowered to start making different choices. If you are committed to developing insight, read over the following 5 statements and answer them as honestly as you can.
- The money I waste each month on paying interest, fines and charges on overdue or expired payments is…
- I was unable to refund or exchange $____ (insert amount in month) as I lost the receipts.
- The money I pay extra each month as I leave purchases to the last minute is…
- The value of lost or expired gift vouchers is…
- I was unable to claim $____ (insert amount in month) in medical, work or tax expenses.
If you would like the other 19 statements I have created in relation to what is my disorganisation costing me now?, please click here to download them.
Next Step…
Once you have answered the statements, you can see which areas need the most attention in relation to being organised. Then you can focus on your own tiny tweaks to bring about change!
How Will You Start Being Organised?
I hope this post has given you some guidance and inspiration on how to start being organised, so you can move towards your dreams! Remember, tiny tweaks everyday will take you there 🙂
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