7 Myths About Coaching

JT - Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their growth - John Whitmore

There are many misperceptions and myths about coaching. Subsequently, in this article I am going to discuss 7 of the top myths about coaching!

Before I share some of the misperceptions and myths about coaching, let’s firstly make sure we are on the same page about coaching.

What is Coaching?

The International Coach Federation (ICF) refers to coaching as

“partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”

Coaching recognises the client as the expert in their own world (personal and professional) and knows every person is creative, resourceful, and whole. Basically the coaching process is about identifying where you are now, where you would like to be and then close that gap. The coach does this through –

  • discovering, clarifying, and aligning with where the client wants to be,
  • encouraging self-discovery and trust within themselves,
  • eliciting client-generated solutions and strategies,
  • keeping the client accountable and ensuring they are taking responsibility for themselves
  • providing support to the client.

What Coaching Is Not…

Coaching is not –

  • a quick-fix, one size fits all approach for your current challenges (as we are all unique),
  • therapy or counseling (please seek a licensed medical professional if this is what you need),
  • about giving you advice (you are the expert in your own life),
  • financial advising or estate planning (again please seek a licensed practitioner if this is what you require).

You can see more about what coaching is and is not in the following video –

Misperceptions and Myths About Coaching

Myth 1: “Coaches have the answers”

As indicated in the above clip, as the client, you decide what you want to focus on for each coaching session. As your coach, I support you to develop awareness, explore options and make conscious choices so you can make the most of the situation and opportunities that are presented to you.

As everyone is unique, there is not a one-size-fits-all approach to coaching, so we can cater specifically for your needs. There are options to suit everyone from one-hour sessions to regular monthly coaching. We also cater for groups and organisations.

Myth 2: “Successful people don’t need coaches”

People who are wishing to learn and grow often seek guidance, wisdom and support from experienced coaches. Just like athletes work with coaches, artists work with mentors, students are supported by teachers and writers have editors. In short, coaching helps you have the confidence to show-up as your most authentic you.

Myth 3: “You have to have your whole life mapped out”

Although it is nice to have a plan, quite often you just need to be present with your career and business life and take the next step. As one of the clients I am working with at present, now I have these steps to focus on this week and when we meet next time I will be in a different place and can identify the next step from there.

Myth 4: “Coaching is expensive”

What is more expensive “I did” or “I wish I had” at the end of your life?!

Myth 5: “The coach gives you advice”

As identified above – the coach facilitates the coaching experience and helps unlock your potential. The coach does not give you advice, that is more mentoring.

Myth 6: “You need to hire a coach for a year”

Hiring a coach full-time can be quite expensive, so hiring a coach for a short-term project or goal in your business or career can be the most economical way to have coaching. Once you have achieved your goal or completed your project, you can then decide whether you would like to continue coaching or not.

Myth 7: “There is no research on coaching”

There are numerous studies and evidence being gathered on coaching throughout the world. However, like anything your own individual experience is important and can be the best guide. Following are some studies that have been conducted recently that I am aware of.

The 2016 International Coach Federation (ICF) Global Coaching Study, that was conducted by Pricewaterhouse Coopers received more than 15380 responses from across 137 countries. This study proves that coaching is a real global profession and estimates that there are 53,300 practising coaches. To read more about the results from this study, please click here.

Over to You…

I hope this post has given you some insight in to the myths of coaching. If you are ready to reclaim your courage and take the next step towards freedom and opening your heartwhy not join our Toolkit?

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