Do You Agree with these Characteristics of a Champion?

JT - No excuses.  Play like a champion - Kellie

Today I was going through some workbooks from my tennis playing days and came across these 20 Characteristics of a Champion. I remember reading through these characteristics each day as motivation and inspiration. I think they can relate to general life as much as sporting life, so wanted to share them. I don’t know where they came from, however if you know the author, please let me know. In the second set, I have adapted the characteristics for general life.

Characteristics of a (Sporting) Champion

The 20 Characteristics of a (Sporting) Champion are –

  1. Become a student of your sport; read and learn as much as possible.
  2. When asked to try new things, apply yourself fully.
  3. Communicate with your coach, especially if troubled by a decision/direction.
  4. Trust your coach.
  5. Learn from mistakes and problems to acquire positive rewards in the future.
  6. Discipline yourself so that you can train by yourself when necessary (given adequate directions by your coach).
  7. Recognise that monitoring your weight (gain or loss) is important.
  8. Always keep a diary of your training: venues, session details, times, conditions, reactions etc.
  9. Be honest with yourself and your coach.
  10. Win, lose or draw, look for reasons rather than excuses.
  11. Plan for everything to go wrong. Do not get upset if things don’t go according to plan; have an alternate plan to implement.
  12. Don’t waste energy on issues over which you have no control.
  13. Enjoy training and competition; keep striving for better performances.
  14. Be prepared: always arrive with all necessary equipment in working order.
  15. Set personal goals, challenging yourself further when they are achieved.
  16. Don’t miss training (even if the alternative is attractive).
  17. Plan your competition schedule in detail, in advance.
  18. Focus on the things you can control.
  19. When tired in a session, concentrate on your technique.
  20. Try to learn at least one thing from every competition.

Characteristics of a Champion in Life

The 20 Characteristics of a Champion in Life (the changes I made are in italics) are –

  1. Become a student of life; read and learn as much as possible.
  2. When asked to try new things, apply yourself fully.
  3. Communicate with your family, friends and coach, especially if troubled by a decision/direction.
  4. Trust your family, friends and coach.
  5. Learn from mistakes and problems to acquire positive rewards in the future.
  6. Discipline yourself so that you can train by yourself when necessary (given adequate directions by your coach).
  7. Recognise that monitoring your weight (gain or loss) is important.
  8. Always keep a diary of your dreams, goals, plans, intentions and other important information (i.e. sleep and feelings).
  9. Be honest with yourself and your family, friends and coach.
  10. Win, lose or draw, look for reasons rather than excuses.
  11. Plan for everything to go wrong. Do not get upset if things don’t go according to plan; have an alternate plan to implement.
  12. Don’t waste energy on issues over which you have no control.
  13. Enjoy life and work: keep striving for better performances.
  14. Be prepared: always arrive with all necessary equipment in working order.
  15. Set personal goals, challenging yourself further when they are achieved.
  16. Don’t miss showing up (even if the alternative is attractive).
  17. Plan your life in detail, in advance.
  18. Focus on the things you can control.
  19. When tired in life, concentrate on the present moment.
  20. Try to learn at least one thing from every experience.

Over to You…

What do you think – are there any characteristics you would add? Remember – No one thing will raise your level of performance. It is the little things, performed with excellence and done consistently, which will make the ultimate difference!

Also, if you are ready to reclaim your courage and take the next step towards freedom and opening your heart, why not join the Sport Life Flow commUnity?

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