Is It Time to Hit the Reset Button on Your Self-Care?

JT - Lighten up on yourself. No one is perfect. Gently accept your humanness.

Is it time to hit the reset button on your self-care?

As we move in to the final quarter of the year, many women start to reflect on the year that was and start planning their changes for the upcoming year. However, do we need to make big changes, or could a few tiny tweaks make a difference?

In this post I am going to share a way for you to identify where you are currently and if it is time for a reset in your self-care! Before I do, I would like to share with you how I have just made some tweaks in my life.

How Did I Know it was Time for a Reset for My Self-Care?

During the past few months, as I was reflecting on my calendar (yes it is colour coded so it is easy to distinguish), I noticed that some of the commitments I had made to myself were getting crossed off in lieu of other people’s priorities. I also noticed I had started eating on the run again as I kept saying to myself “I didn’t have the time to sit down and eat properly.”

Subsequently, I realised it was time for a reset as I needed and wanted to prioritise my own self-care again and make some tweaks!

Tiny Tweaks I Have Made that Helped Me

If you are feeling challenged, unmotivated or bored, it is important to find out what is going on internally. I spent many years living in denial, avoidance of feelings and not focusing on what I could control and trust me, it didn’t work!

A couple of the things that helped me get back on track are –

Even those these might appear as tiny, they were big for me as not doing them was creating a disconnect from my true self. Sometimes in life, what we want is not always what we need, so paying attention to the smaller details can really help you live a more aligned life.

Is It Time to Hit the Reset Button on Your Self-Care?

Before hitting the reset button on your self-care, you need to find out where you currently are. A simple way to do this is through the wellness wheel and this one is created to specifically focus on self-care.

Within the Wellness Wheel below, you will rank each area of your self-care on a scale of 1-10 (where 1 is neglecting your self-care and not looking after your needs and 10 is taking the time to look after your needs) based on how satisfied you are in each area. The 8 areas are –

  • Physical self-care: involves movement of the body, health, nutrition, sleep, rest, physical touch, and sexual needs.
  • Psychological self-care: involves learning new things, applying consequential thinking, engaging intrinsic motivation, practising mindfulness and creativity.
  • Emotional self-care: involves enhancing emotional literacy, navigating emotions, increasing empathy, managing stress effectively and developing compassion for self and others.
  • Social self-care: involves having a supportive group and network of relationships around you whom you trust and turn to when required. Having caring and supportive people around you builds a sense of belonging and connectedness.
  • Professional self-care: involves sharing your strengths and gifts, having clear professional boundaries, whilst living your purpose.
  • Environmental self-care: involves having an organised, well maintained and clutter-free work, business and home environment, having clean clothes and a clean and well maintained mode of transport. Also minimising waste and monitoring technology time.
  • Spiritual self-care: involves the beliefs and values  that are important to you and guide your life. This includes pursuing your noble goals and the practices that support you developing spiritual awareness.
  • Financial self-care: involves being responsible with your finances (i.e. living expenses, income, insurances, savings etc.) and having a conscious relationship with money.

At the end of the reflection action, your wheel may look like –

Next Step…

Once you have completed the Wellness Wheel for Self-Care, you can see which areas require the most attention. Then you can focus on your own tiny tweaks to bring about change!

How Will You Reset Your Self-Care?

I hope this post has given you some guidance and inspiration on how to reset your self-care and start moving towards your dreams! Remember, tiny tweaks everyday will take you there 🙂

If you are ready to reclaim your courage and take the next step towards freedom and opening your heartwhy not join our Toolkit? And remember, you can download the Wellness Wheel for Self-Care here (it is free)!

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